About Fortex

In the dynamic arena of Forex liquidity providers, Fortex has made a significant mark with its sophisticated suite of trading tools and services. Fortex's ECN platform and the AlgoX automated trading engine represent a leap forward for traders seeking strategic capabilities and a broad spectrum of liquidity options. The company's commitment to providing a powerful multi-asset ECN trading solution is evident in their comprehensive approach, catering to a global clientele in need of efficient and reliable Forex trading infrastructure.

Fortex's ECN platform stands out for its ability to aggregate global liquidity pools, offering users access to a vast network of currency trading opportunities. The platform's cloud-based delivery ensures that trades are executed with remarkable speed, which is a critical feature in the fast-paced world of Forex trading. This emphasis on speed and connectivity is further exemplified by Fortex's XCloud system, which boasts dedicated facilities at key global financial hubs. This infrastructure enables sub-millisecond round-trip trade times, a feature that high-frequency traders, in particular, will find invaluable.

The company's AlgoX engine offers a strategic edge, allowing traders to employ algorithmic strategies in their trading. Fortex's commitment to technological innovation is clear here, offering traders the ability to automate their strategies and potentially improve their execution results. This level of sophistication is a testament to Fortex's focus on aligning with the needs of modern traders who are increasingly looking for ways to leverage technology for better outcomes.

One of the aspects where Fortex truly shines is customer service and support. Their platform's ease of use, combined with access to comprehensive customer assistance, ensures that both new and experienced traders can navigate the system effectively. This is a key differentiator in an industry where the complexity of trading platforms can often be a barrier to entry for many potential users.

Another notable feature is Fortex's use of a graphic interface in its Fortex 6 platform, which simplifies the trading experience while retaining the depth of functionality required by advanced traders. The platform's intuitive design is especially beneficial for traders who value a seamless and user-friendly interface without compromising on powerful trading features.

However, like any service, Fortex is not without its areas for improvement. As the Forex trading space becomes increasingly crowded, the company might benefit from continuously innovating and refining its offerings to stay ahead of the curve. Moreover, potential clients may seek more transparency regarding the company's performance metrics and how they stack up against competitors.

In conclusion, Fortex presents a compelling option for institutions and traders seeking a robust and technologically advanced Forex trading partner. While no service can claim perfection, Fortex's strengths in technology, connectivity, and customer support make it a standout player worth considering in the Forex Liquidity Providers industry. The company's dedication to delivering strategic capabilities along with a wide range of liquidity options positions it as a competitive choice for those looking to navigate the complexities of currency markets successfully.

Products and Services

Fortex offers a robust and comprehensive suite of electronic communication network (ECN) trading solutions designed to provide traders with strategic capabilities, advanced automation, and high-speed execution, all aimed at enhancing efficiency and success in the multi-asset trading ecosystem.

ECN Platform

A comprehensive multi-asset ECN trading solution that aggregates global liquidity pools and connects to algorithmic trading engines via the cloud.


An automated trading engine that allows strategic trading in currency, commodities, CFD, and equities with a graphical interface for simplicity and intuition.

MT4/5 Bridge OMX

Middleware that provides MT4/5 traders direct access to global liquidity providers, boasting $12B and 500,000 tickets daily with sub-1ms round-trip trade times.

Fortex XCloud

High-frequency, low-latency connectivity infrastructure housed in dedicated facilities at Equinix NY4, HK1, and LD4 for efficient trade execution.


  • Extensive ECN platform with a powerful automated trading engine, AlgoX

  • High-frequency, low-latency connectivity for efficient trading

  • Global reach, assisting traders in over 140 countries with full market depth


  • Platform might be challenging for beginners due to advanced features

  • Services may be more suitable for experienced traders and institutions

Getting Started

When you initiate your journey with Fortex, you'll probably start with a free trial to get a feel for their powerful multi-asset ECN trading platforms. The first experience will likely involve setting up the Fortex 6 or the AlgoX trading engine, which can be done directly through their website. Their platform caters to advanced traders and institutions, so expect a robust onboarding process that may include technical setup assistance and strategic planning to align with your trading activities. To begin, visit Fortex's website and opt for the 'Free Trial' or 'Contact Us' options to engage with their support team. If Fortex isn't the right fit, consider other options in our rankings.